Indo-Pacific is a relatively new term that has entered into use quite recently. The area it corresponds to is very large. It is interesting that this term, almost all of a sudden, appeared in front of us in the discourse of international politics. As the speeches in this booklet ask and try to answer, there are two questions related with this term: 1) What does this term mean and why do we need it? 2) Where do these terms come from anyway? None of the answers are straightforward. As for the first question, Indo-Pacific both reflects a reality and a policy, at least a very beginning of one. It is well known now that the dynamism of global economy shifts to the East Asia. Yet, it neither stops there, nor “East” is only China. Even before the phenomenal rise of China, the dynamism and technological leadership had already visited Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and Southeast Asia, some of these countries growing stronger than China or vastly advanced economies. On the other hand, dynamism seem to be spreading to other parts of these oceans, such as the massive Indian Subcontinent, Africa, Middle East and even Latin America. Many of the speeches here are addressing this question.
Fumiaki KUBO, Tokyo University, "Free and Open Indo-Pacific for the United States and Japan"
Pınar BİLGİN, Bilkent University, "Why Critical Geopolitics? Understanding the Making of Regions "
Mustafa Serdar PALABIYIK, TOBB University of Economics and Technology, "Constructing A Region: The Genealogy of “Indo-Pacific"
Sarper ŞİMŞEK, Corporate Affairs Manager Anadolu Efes Company, "Indo-Pacific in World Economy: An Attempt to Balance the Rise of China?"
Masayuki TADOKORO, Keio University, "Free and Open Indo-Pacific: Changes and Continuities in Japan’s Vision "
Mitat ÇELİKPALA, Kadir Has University, "Turkey, Russia and Iran: Redefining New Regional Geopolitics"
Hides TOKUCHI, ABD Sasakawa Foundation, "Japan-Turkey Security and Defense Cooperation in the Indo-Pacific Context"
Gülriz ŞEN, TOBB University of Economics and Technology, "Iran and the Emerging Geopolitics of Indo-Pacific "
Bahadır PEHLİVANTÜRK, TOBB University of Economics and Technology, "ASEAN Centrality: Its Meaning and Implications for the Indo-Pacific "