The speeches in this booklet are made in the symposium November 2018, jointly held by TOBB University of Economy and Technology and Embassy of Japan in Ankara. Distinguished and well-known scholars from both Japan and Turkey participated in the panels which were made open to the public.
Yuichi Hosoya, Keio University, "Japan's Indo-Pacific Strategy and Global Order in a Transition "
Kemal Kirişci, Brookings Institute, "Is the US Led Rule-Based International Order Coming to an End? "
Nuri Yurdusev, Middle Eastern Technical University, "World Order, and Cultural and Identificational Factors "
Junya Nisino, Keio University , "The Eastern Asia Situation Surrounding Japan with a Focus on the Korean Peninsula"
Gencer Özcan, İstanbul Bilgi University, "Glimpses into the Arab Uprisings: Towards a New Power Configuration in the Middle East?"
Yuichi Hosoya, Keio University, "Japan's Indo-Pacific Strategy and Global Order in a Transition "
Kemal Kirişci, Brookings Institute, "Is the US Led Rule-Based International Order Coming to an End? "
Nuri Yurdusev, Middle Eastern Technical University, "World Order, and Cultural and Identificational Factors "
Junya Nisino, Keio University , "The Eastern Asia Situation Surrounding Japan with a Focus on the Korean Peninsula"
Gencer Özcan, İstanbul Bilgi University, "Glimpses into the Arab Uprisings: Towards a New Power Configuration in the Middle East?"